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foto Klima infisso 2015

¿Que es Omni=Joint?

Omni=Joint is a patented cross-dowel reversible connector (or joint) certified by  IFT Rosenheim. The connector make possible to assembly the singular elements of door, windows, tables, furniture, gazebos and much more.


¿Que es OJAS?

Omni-Joint Assembly System is a manual drilling machine that make possible drilling windows, doors and furnitures for the correct insertion of the Cilindric Omni-Joint. OJAS is born to suit small and medium companies that don’t have a CNC (Central Numeric Control Machine). More info and video here.


¿Qué Kit es más recomendados para mi empresa?

Every Omni-Joint Kit is specifically for a tipology. The Cilindric Kit is adapt for doors and front doors and can be insert manually. The Autocentric Kit is applicable only with CNC machines. Subscribe for download the technical datasheet or contact us for find together a solution for which Kit is more adapt for your company.


¿Cuales son los beneficios de Omni=Joint?

Omni-Joint make possible assembly different elements of a door, windows, etc without the use of glue. That means, for example, in the case the glass of a window is damage, it’s possible to replace the glass disassembling the window. Also, during painting phase, it’s possible paint the single elements one by one giving more uniformity and giving more advantages for the durability during the “finishing touch” phase.

omni-joint PDF

¿Quién es?

The connector is for the carpentry and wood workers, the windows, furnitures and doors producers. By the way the bricolage and homemade creators can be find useful the mechanical joint, especially in the realization of countertops, gazebos and much more.


¿Lo que es posible el montaje con ella ?

Doors, Front Doors, classic and curved windows, Sliding Hall doors, Tables (furniture and countertops), Gazebos, Fair and events stands and much more.



¿Dónde puedo comprar Omni=Joint?

We prefer a direct contact with our customers for helping them in every passage between purchasing and installation. We’re working in these days to an e-shop. At the moment the better way for purchase our products is sending us an email.


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